Ohhhh…Bless Heather for her diligence and faithfulness. Each month she hosts a link-up highlighting Four Somethings: Something loved; Something Read; Something Treasured; Something Ahead. It’s a great writing exercise, and a kind-of center base for life. Taking the time to reflect is always a good practice…
Something Loved
Can we chat for a minute? I mean really, as though we were having coffee together.
This month I have loved good counseling. I found a delightful woman to spend an hour with each week, and an insightful gentleman to spend an hour with my hubby and me each week.
We have a lot on our plates. Many, many (most) couples with special needs kids don’t make it. Our daughter is an utter delight, but she definitely has special needs.
My mom has a terrible disease. In the various online forums for people with the disease, or with family members who have the disease, there is a lot of talk about assisted suicide. It’s that kind of a diagnosis. My dad is not the man he once was, and falls all the time. Last week, after having already been to the ER or doctor’s appointments on 4 separate days and not wanting to go again, I let him shout as I pulled staples, from his last fall, out of his head. I gently tugged out fifteen staples in total, with only 4 good yells. That was not a bad ratio.
***Several months ago I had to take my mother and father to the doctor’s office because they each had staples that needed to be taken out. We are very well known in the doctor’s office so it was no real surprise when the Physician’s Assistant looked at me, handed me the staple remover, and said, “You really should have one of your own.”
All that to say, this gal needs help. And counseling is a really good idea.
Something Read (Or, in this case, Said)
Several of the other joiners in Four Somethings are prolific readers. They inspire me to read more…next month.
I started The Road Back To You and Searching for Sunday but haven’t finished either.
I had a friend message me on Facebook, looking for help. He has a precious young (kind of like a) daughter, who struggles with the role of women to submit, and asked if I could help talk to her about it. I am always happy to try, knowing I may fail. I will write much, much, MUCH more about this in the future, but this is what I said:
We have done society an enormous disservice by centering this conversation around the woman’s obligation to submit when the heart of it succeeding is the responsibility of the man to serve and lead. In the two primary places this is discussed–the home and the church–if the man is fulfilling his obligation before the Lord, the context is far less controversial.
If a robber comes into a home with one bullet in the gun, it the husband/father’s responsibility to take the bullet. The “submissive” act is to stand behind him and allow him to honor his responsibility (to lay down his life for his family) before the Lord, as the leader of the family. In God’s formula, the husband always looks to his family’s best interests first. Submitting to the best interests of everyone involved is not an act of weakness, or being less than…
Just because many most men are failing at this, it does not mean God got the formula wrong or we have somehow misunderstood. It just means men can be dumb.
And this is why I need counseling…I, too, have some heart issues that need hammering out.

Something Treasured
Good caregivers.
I cannot say enough. 2021 got off to a really rough start caregiving wise.
My son moved from Virginia to East Texas to help, and I could not have gotten through without him. We have used 3 different companies since December 1st: One I fired. One dropped us. And one still remains. (I feel like the Goldilocks of daughters…”Too hot!” “Too cold!” “Just right!”)
I hired several private caregivers I thought would be wonderful and they, too, are gone. My parents are a LOT of work, but I am happy to say, now I think we’ve got it! In addition to the 24-hour care they require, I have people for saunas, showers, massages, exercise, outings, trips to the fitness center, and house cleaners. We are planning outings and hoping for improvements. I am so, so grateful. (And grateful my parents did well financially so I can pay for it all.)
For those of you in this season of life, or heading into this season of life, I humbly acknowledge that there are family members genuinely dissatisfied with the care my parents have. They regularly share their dissatisfaction. “[This person] clearly thinks they (my parents) are being mistreated,” is something I have heard several times. There are seasons in life when knowing you are doing your very best before the Lord is enough, and other people’s opinions can’t register.
That is also something I treasure.

Something Ahead
Well…getting more centered in my own life feels like it is on the horizon.
I now have quartz countertops, which makes my kitchen functional! I am cleaning more, homeschooling better, getting the right help in several areas, and summer (my favorite season) is coming.
There is hope. And a lot, a lot, A LOT of work to get there.
I’m glad that you’ve found a trusted person to counsel you through all you’re experiencing. It sounds like you have your hands full with family so I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself as well.
You really do have a full plate…and how blessed your parents are to have someone like you in their corner!! Great photo:)
So glad to hear that you are having counselling – someone to listen and talk things through with when you have such a full and busy season. Touched by your story, and the way that you are serving your parents, you are right you will never please everyone, and your mission is to please God. Thank you for sharing!
Just discovered your blog through the Share Four Somethings link up and I’m so glad I did! 🙂 Caring for others is such a difficult job but such a blessing to them and it’s really great that you are attending counseling. I think it’s so needed to have someone to talk to you in that way and process everything.
How kind of you!! Happy to meet you.
I really do wish we could sit and chat over coffee!
Me, too.